Explore the culinary offerings of this restaurant and let yourself be inspired.
Type of cuisine
Traditional cuisine
Menu photos (2)
All food photos (40)
Pão e couvert
Azeitonas, azeite
Peixinhos da horta
Camarão ao alho
Gambas Tempura com molho tártaro
Amêijoas à bulhão pato
Alheira de caça
Cogumelos com presunto
Presunto ibérico pata negra
Queijo de azeitão
Sopa e salada
Creme de legumes
Creme de marisco
Salada mista
Grelos com castanhas
Bacalhau d’ as velhas - lombo
Robalo grelhado
Caldeirada de pescada e gambas
Tamboril à bulhão pato
Polvo à lagareiro
Arroz de tamboril
Arroz de polvo
Coelho à caçador
Rojões à transmontana
Carne de porco à alentejana
Bife à portuguesa
Bife do lombo à café
Bife do lombo à marrare
Bife do lombo com cogumelos
Tarte de Chocolate
Tarte de Limão
Toucinho do Céu
Frequently Asked Questions
If you plan to eat at As Velhas, the average price should be around €25. The average price is calculated based on appetizer/entrée or entrée/dessert, excluding drinks. Prices have been provided by the restaurant.
Yes, As Velhas has been identified as having vegetarian options on the menu.
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