Explore the culinary offerings of this restaurant and let yourself be inspired.
Mario de benedictis
Type of cuisine
All food photos (4)
Antipasti misto
mozzarella di bufala. carpaccio.2 soorten vleeswaren.4 soorten groenten .kazen bruschetta
Risotto met Garnalen
verse ravioli .....
verschillende sausen ...
gnocchi met gorgonzola en stoofperen
Main Course
Ossenhaas met honingtruffel
Zeebaars met witte wijn
zeeduivel met zafferano
scaloppine in verschillende manieren klaar gemaakt
Lams rek met rosmarijn en aceto balsamico
met witte chocolade
uit napels....
panna cotta met verschillende saus
Bottle of water
Frequently Asked Questions
If you plan to eat at Bacco Perbacco, the average price should be around €36. The average price is calculated based on appetizer/entrée or entrée/dessert, excluding drinks. Prices have been provided by the restaurant.
At Bacco Perbacco, the chef is Mario de benedictis.
Yes, Bacco Perbacco has been identified as having vegetarian options on the menu.
Absolutely, Bacco Perbacco has been identified as having gluten-free options on the menu.
Absolutely, Bacco Perbacco has been identified as having organic food options on the menu.
Yes, Bacco Perbacco has been identified as having local food on the menu.
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