Explore the culinary offerings of this restaurant and let yourself be inspired.
Type of cuisine
All food photos (1)
Carpaccio van zalm en botervis, mesclun en kappertjes mayonaise
Drieluik van eendrilette, rouleaux en bitterbal met aceto stroop
tonijnsandwich, rauwe tonijn met gambafarce en soja-sesamdressing
Main Course
Runderdiamanthaas met gestoofde zoete ui en een rode portsaus
Gamba's gebakken met knoflook
Ossenhaas met rundersucade en een saus van cepes
Omelette siberienne met warme kersen
Warm taartje van chocolade met roomijs van boerenjongens
Frequently Asked Questions
If you plan to eat at Brasserie Geesje, the average price should be around €35. The average price is calculated based on appetizer/entrée or entrée/dessert, excluding drinks. Prices have been provided by the restaurant.
Absolutely, Brasserie Geesje has been identified as having gluten-free options on the menu.
Absolutely, Brasserie Geesje has been identified as having dairy-free options on the menu.
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