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Type of cuisine
All food photos (51)
Poh pia (rollitos de primavera Thai)
Pad thai sai khung (tallarines de arroz salteados con langostinos, huevo, cebolla, soja, verduras y cacahuetes con salsa de tamarindo)
Kai satee (brochetas de pollo a la plancha marinadas en salsa de cacahuete y leche de coco)
Coulant de Queso
entrante menu degustacion
Arroz glutinoso con mango
Curry rojo de pollo y bambu
Main Course
Kai priow wan (plato tradicional Thai con pollo salteado con anacardos,verduras y salsa de soja)
Khao saparod (arroz frito con piña,langostinos y verduras)
Kio wan nua (ternera fileteada al curry verde con hortalizas)
Menu degustacion
Khao nao mamuang (arroz glutinoso con leche de coco y mango fresco)
Sangkhaya faktone (flan de calabaza artesano)
Flan de coco
Khao Nao Mamuang (arroz glutinoso con mango fresco)
Half a bottle of water
Frequently Asked Questions
If you plan to eat at Bualuang Thai, the average price should be around €20. The average price is calculated based on appetizer/entrée or entrée/dessert, excluding drinks. Prices have been provided by the restaurant.
Yes, Bualuang Thai has been identified as having vegetarian options on the menu.
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