Inicial organic (natural sense sulfits) ull de llebre
Nossa organic (natural sense sulfits) tinta de toro
Trepat dén jordie (natural sense sulfits) trepat
A'seara organic (natural sense sulfits) mencia, caiño, espadeiro
Penafurada organic (natural sense sulfits) mencia
Maxime organic (natural sense sulfits) merlot, malbec
Ull organic (natural sense sulfits) ull de llebre
Viader organic (natural sense sulfits) garnatxa negra
Negres catalans
Clos mogador priorat
Dandy boar cabernet, garnatxa, shyra. Priorat
Ritme garnatxa. Priorat
Lo prior cabernet, garnatxa, shyra, carinyena. Priorat
La dama cabernet, 22 mesos bota. Priorat
Embruix garnatxa, carinyena. Priorat
Morlanda - garnatxa, carinyena, cabernet. Priorat
Lo piot garnatxa shyraz. Priorat
Terroir històric - priorat
D.o. ribera del duero
Phylos - tinta fina, 12mesos en bota
Paramos - tinta fina
Valdubón tinta fina
De blas serrano - tinta fina
Valdubon x tinta fina
Avelino vegas - tinta fina
Vega sicilia valbuena 5° año reserva tinta fina, merlot i malbec, 27 mesos en bot
Flor de pingus - tinta fina, 14 mesos en bota
Saltant fronteres
Finca ferrer 1310 - pinot noir. Argentina
Avatar malbec. Argentina
Premius - cabernet franc. Bordeaux
Frequently Asked Questions
If you plan to eat at D.O Vins i Platillos, the average price should be around €21. The average price is calculated based on appetizer/entrée or entrée/dessert, excluding drinks. Prices have been provided by the restaurant.
Yes, D.O Vins i Platillos has been identified as having vegetarian options on the menu.
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