Rundermuis | grana padano | pijnboompitten | truffelmayonaise | rucola
Gegrilde kip | bacon | ei | tomaat | mesclun sla
(Oude) kaas
Jonge of oude kaas | gemengde sla | tomatensalsa
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Roda J.C. Ring 59, 6466 NH Kerkrade
Vanaf Station Kerkrade is het een half uur met de bus.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant Parkstad-Zuid Limburg is rated 8.3/10.TheFork users have rated accordingly in the following categories:
Quality of food: 8.1/10
Service: 8.2/10
Atmosphere: 8.1/10
Yes, Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant Parkstad-Zuid Limburg has availability on TheFork currently. Do not hesitate, reserve your table on TheFork!
Yes, Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant Parkstad-Zuid Limburg is offering 50% korting - TheFork Festival Reserve your table and enjoy your special discount now on TheFork!
Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant Parkstad-Zuid Limburg is identified as offering international cuisine.
Absolutely, you can reserve at Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant Parkstad-Zuid Limburg to enjoy a nice dinner with your kids.
Yes, Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant Parkstad-Zuid Limburg has been identified as opened on Sundays.
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