Explore the culinary offerings of this restaurant and let yourself be inspired.
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Main Course
Pickled herring with red chili and ginger
SEK 70
Tartar på Matjessill med röd chili och ingefära
Marinated chicken skewers with guacamole
SEK 70
Marinerad kycklingspett med guacamole
Fillet of beef on farmer’s bread, french fries, béarnaise sauce, horse radish and egg yolk
SEK 198
Bookmaker toast på lantbröd, pommes frites, bearnaisesås, färskriven pepparrot och äggula
Grilled salmon with buttered potatoes and fennelslaw
SEK 185
Grillad lax med smörstekt potatis och fänkålsslaw
Fish & Chips with homemade tartar sauce
SEK 159
Fish & Chips med hemlagad tartarsås.
Spicy BBQ burger with french fries, onion rings and coleslaw
SEK 165
BBQ burgare med pommes frites, lökringar och coleslaw
Homemade Feta cheese rolls
SEK 70
Hemlagad Fetaostrullar
Flying Cheeseburger 150gr
SEK 75
Flying Cheeseburgare 150gr
Hamburger with french fries, onion rings and coleslaw 180gr
SEK 165
Husets hamburgare med pommes frites, lökringar och coleslaw 180gr.
Vegetarian burger with french fries, onion rings and coleslaw
SEK 165
Vegetarisk hamburgare med pommes, lökringar och coleslaw
Wienerschnitzel with caper butter, butter fried potatoes.
SEK 235
Husets kalvschnitzel med kaprissmör och smörstekt potatis
Grilled steak with french fries, tomato salad and béarnaise sauce
SEK 198
Grillad ryggbiff med pommes frites, tomatsallad och bearnaisesås
Grilled chicken fillet salad with oriental dressing
SEK 159
Grillad kycklingfilésallad med orientalisk dressing
Plank steak on beef with mashed potatoes, béarnaise sauce, and bacon wound asparagus
SEK 198
Plankstek på ryggbiff med potatismos, bearnaisesås, baconlindad sparris
Homemade Pannacotta
SEK 65
Apple pie with vanilla ice-cream
SEK 65
Äppelpaj med vaniljglass
Frequently Asked Questions
If you plan to eat at Flying Scotsman Inn, the average price should be around SEK 0. The average price is calculated based on appetizer/entrée or entrée/dessert, excluding drinks. Prices have been provided by the restaurant.
Yes, Flying Scotsman Inn has been identified as having vegetarian options on the menu.
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