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Karuna Siripane
Type of cuisine
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All food photos (15)
Les Entrees
Eby Furai X3
Gyoza Légumes X5
Salade de Choux
Soupe Miso
Riz Blanc ou Vinaigré
Les Yakitori
Boeuf Fromage
Les Futomaki
Saumon Avocat X5
Thon Cuit X5
Spicy Tuna X5
California X5
Les Nigiri
Suzuki Duarado X2
Thon X2
Eby X2
Saumon X2
Avocat X2
Shime Saba (Maquereau) X2
Aburi Saumon X2
Les Maki
Saumon X6
Thon X6
Suzuki X6
Avocat X6
Avocat Fromage X6
Saumon Avocat X6
Saumon Fromage X6
Thon Avocat X6
Maki Wakame X6
Les Signatures
Eby Dragon Roll X6
Avocat crevette pane mayonnaise japonnaise piment et ikupa
Rainbow X6
Saumon bar thon avocat concombre
Kani Dragon Roll X6
Chah de crabe, surimi avocat concombre mayonnaise japonnaise
Koi Sushi Roll X6
Avocat concombre saumon tartare de thon
Sapporo X6
Crevette pane avocat thon rouge sesame
Red Dragon X6
Thon tobiko avocat saumon snacke piment
Chicken Roll X6
Poulet oignon frit mayonnaise japonnaise
Les California
Thon Avacot X6
Saumon Avacot X6
Thon Cuit Avacot X6
Surimi Avacot X6
Eby Furai Curry X6
Avacot Fromage X6
Chicken Concombre X6
Saumon Roll X6
Les Gunkan
Saumon X2
Thon X2
Suzuki X2
Kani X2
Ikura X2
Tobiko X2
Half a bottle of water
Frequently Asked Questions
At Koï Sushi, the chef is Karuna Siripane.
If you plan to eat at Koï Sushi, the average price should be around €18. The average price is calculated based on appetizer/entrée or entrée/dessert, excluding drinks. Prices have been provided by the restaurant.
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