Blandning av ruccola och romansallad med friterade halloumistavar, portobellosvamp,
körebärstomat, morot, zucchini, solrosfrön, sesamvinägrett, balsamico & citron
Crispy feta bowl
SEK 165
Quinoa och linssalled med friterad fetaost, salladsmix, gurka, tomat, edamamebönor,
picklad rödlök, mangosalsa, rostade cashewnötter & chillmajodressing
Krubbs milkshake
SEK 65
Gjord på gräddglass, mjölk med gradde & topping nutella / jordgubb & lime / jordnötsemör & banan
Krubbs rocky road
SEK 70
Mer - 20 cl
SEK 15
Läsk / mineralvatten / lättöl - 33 cl
SEK 30
Alkoholfri öl / folköl - 33 cl
SEK 45
Fentiman's lemonader - 27,5 cl
SEK 50
Three towns, 5,0% -40 cl
SEK 73
Bernard, 4,9% - 40 cl
SEK 79
Krubbs ipa, 6,5% - 38 cl
SEK 89
Vin (glass)
Husets röda / vita / rosé
SEK 79
Husets ekologiska röda / vita
SEK 99
Husets cava
SEK 79
Frequently Asked Questions
If you plan to eat at Krubb Sundbyberg, the average price should be around SEK 199. The average price is calculated based on appetizer/entrée or entrée/dessert, excluding drinks. Prices have been provided by the restaurant.
Yes, Krubb Sundbyberg has been identified as having vegetarian options on the menu.
Absolutely, Krubb Sundbyberg has been identified as having gluten-free options on the menu.
Absolutely, Krubb Sundbyberg has been identified as having dairy-free options on the menu.
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