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Type of cuisine
All food photos (37)
Ensalada de fruta y frutos secos
Queso de cabra con cebolla caramelizada
Patatas recubiertas con queso de raclette
Brie al horno con coulis de frambuesa
Main course
Surtido de carnes a la piedra "a la llosa" (mínimo 2 personas)
La Raclette (mínimo 2 personas)
Fondue (mínimo 2 personas)
Steak Tartar
Bacalao con sobrasada y miel
Fondue de chocolate
Tarta tatin
Crep de chocolate y helado de vainilla
Frequently Asked Questions
If you plan to eat at La Raclette - Arenys De Mar, the average price should be around €25. The average price is calculated based on appetizer/entrée or entrée/dessert, excluding drinks. Prices have been provided by the restaurant.
At La Raclette - Arenys De Mar, the chef is Melanie.
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