Servi avec frites/salade pain burger au sésame bio, steak haché de race montbéliarde, tomate, salade, pickles, sauce ketchup
Le monbéliard
Servi avec frites/salade pain burger au sésame bio, steak haché de race montbéliarde, cheddar, tomate, salade, pickles, sauce ketchup.
Le végé
Servi avec frites/salade pain aux céréales bio, tomate, galette de pomme de terre, courgette/aubergine grillé, oignons confits, salade, fromage frais aux herbes.
The fish’n chips
The fish’n chips
Plein filet de cabillaud, sauce tartare maison, frites, salades.
Grill and BBQ
Entrecôte de race montbéliarde origine france, 250gr et sa sauce du jour, servi avec frites/salade
If you plan to eat at Le Panoramic, the average price should be around €17. The average price is calculated based on appetizer/entrée or entrée/dessert, excluding drinks. Prices have been provided by the restaurant.
Yes, Le Panoramic has been identified as having vegetarian options on the menu.
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