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Tricollore caprese
SEK 129
Toast Skagen
SEK 139
Lax carpaccio
SEK 129
Bruschetta ala frutti di mare
SEK 139
Soup of the day
SEK 1,099
So cheesy
Grillad chevré med valnötter & honung
Grilled chevré with walnuts & honey
Main course
SEK 269
Grillad entrecote med sötpotatis pommes, tryffelmajonäs och vitlökssmör.
Rib eye steak served with sweet fries, truffle mayonnaise and garlic butter.
SEK 159
Tubes of pasta filled with ricotta and spinach served with cream- and tomato sauce
SEK 299
Rullad på sjötunga och spenat som serveras med kokt potatis, hummerbearnaise och vitvinssås.
Role of sole and spinach, served with potatoes, lobster-béarnaise and white wine sauce.
SEK 319
Grillad tournedos, scampi och havskräftor med potatisgratäng och rödvinssås.
Grilled tenderloin, scampi and langoustines with gratinated potatoes and red wine sauce.
Helstekt renytterfilé
SEK 349
serverad med svampsås, rödvinssås, svartvinbärsgelé och potatisgratäng.
Filet of reindeer served with mushroom sauce, red wine sauce, black current jelly and gratinated potatoes.
Movitz frescha
SEK 109
Färsk frukt gratinerad med vit choklad som serveras med vaniljglass.
Fresh fruit gratinated with white chocolate and served with vanilla ice cream.
SEK 95
Hemgjord parfait serverad med jordgubbssås, färska jordgubbar och grädde.
Homemade cloudberry parfait served with strawberry sauce, fresh strawberries and whipped cream.
SEK 89
Sorbet icecream of the evening served with exotic fruits
SEK 129
Assortment of cheeses
Frequently Asked Questions
If you plan to eat at Movitz Pub & Restaurang, the average price should be around SEK 495. The average price is calculated based on appetizer/entrée or entrée/dessert, excluding drinks. Prices have been provided by the restaurant.
Yes, Movitz Pub & Restaurang has been identified as having vegetarian options on the menu.
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