Explore the culinary offerings of this restaurant and let yourself be inspired.
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All food photos (86)
Pan, arroz y bebida no incluidos en el descuento
Pan, arroz y bebida no incluidos en el descuento
Pollo pakora
tiras de pollo marinado fritas con una capa de harina de garbanzos
Pescado tikka masala,
yogurt, huevo, limón, ajo, jengibre y especia india
Vegetales samosa
Empanadas de verdura de estilo indio
Pollo curry
pollo en salsa suave
Cordero madras
cordero cocinado en salsa especial india
Langostino tikka masala
langostinos cocinados con crema, yogur y especias
Ghulab jamun (2 ud.)
Mango kulf
arroz, azúcar, frutos secos, nata y leche
Botella de agua
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, Tandoori Massala Fuenlabrada is offering -50% en carta - TheFork Festival Reserve your table and enjoy your special discount now on TheFork!
If you plan to eat at Tandoori Massala Fuenlabrada, the average price should be around €15. The average price is calculated based on appetizer/entrée or entrée/dessert, excluding drinks. Prices have been provided by the restaurant.
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