220 gram högrevsburgare, cheddarost, bacon, bröd, röd lök, sallad, tomat , hamburgerdressing, salt gurka och pommes
Fish& Chips
SEK 210
Fisk ( torsk ) och pommes, citron, remouladsås
SEK 195
Schnitzel, rödvinssås, sallad, röd lök, citron, örtsmör och pommes
SEK 155
Halloumiost, bröd, hamburgerdressing, tomat, röd lök, salt gurka och pommes
Nacho chips med salsa
SEK 85
Pommes med bearnaise
SEK 85
Chili Cheese
SEK 85
Friterade lökringar, mozarella sticks och chili cheese
Frequently Asked Questions
If you plan to eat at The Doors, the average price should be around SEK 352. The average price is calculated based on appetizer/entrée or entrée/dessert, excluding drinks. Prices have been provided by the restaurant.
Absolutely, The Doors has been identified as having gluten-free options on the menu.
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