Bus, metro, rer C: Bibliothèque François Mitterant
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About this restaurant
Inspirés par l’esprit vibrant et hospitalier du Punjab, nos plats sont une véritable célébration du riche patrimoine culinaire de cet état du nord de l’Inde.
A 7 spices, la culture punjabi est mise à l’honneur tant dans nos assiettes que dans l’ambiance de notre restaurant.
L’identité culinaire de...
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, 7 Spices is offering 20% off the 'a la carte' menu Reserve your table and enjoy your special discount now on TheFork!
7 Spices is rated 8.8/10.TheFork users have rated accordingly in the following categories:
Quality of food: 8.9/10
Service: 9.1/10
Atmosphere: 8.5/10
Yes, 7 Spices has availability on TheFork currently. Do not hesitate, reserve your table on TheFork!
7 Spices is identified as offering indian cuisine.
Yes, 7 Spices has been identified as having a special romantic atmosphere that you could enjoy during your next rendez-vous with your special someone.
Yes, 7 Spices has been identified as having a terrace. It is perfectly suited for enjoying an outdoor meal confortably.
Yes, 7 Spices has been identified as opened on Sundays.