Ripieni d’anatra, amaretti, grana dop, pane grattato nostrano, zenzero, mascarpone, burro chiarificato alla salvia, fonduta di grana padano dop stagionato 16 mesi, ristretto di anatra
Pappardelle fatte in casa, alla carbonara di pesce
Pappardelle mantecate con uovo, pecorino, grana, pepe, trota marinata e affumicata
Ravioli neri di pesce al sugo di polpo
Ripieno di pesce fresco, mascarpone, noci, amaretti, uvetta, grana dop, pane grattato, zenzero,
of 10
Very good
221 reviews
Real experiences from real diners Ratings and reviews can only be left by guests who have booked with TheFork.
Yes, Al Molo Sull' Adda is offering 40% off the 'a la carte' menu Reserve your table and enjoy your special discount now on TheFork!
Yes, Al Molo Sull' Adda has availability on TheFork currently. Do not hesitate, reserve your table on TheFork!
Al Molo Sull' Adda is rated 8.4/10.TheFork users have rated accordingly in the following categories:
Quality of food: 8.3/10
Service: 8.3/10
Atmosphere: 8.5/10
Al Molo Sull' Adda is identified as offering italian cuisine.
Yes, Al Molo Sull' Adda has been identified as having a special romantic atmosphere that you could enjoy during your next rendez-vous with your special someone.
Yes, Al Molo Sull' Adda has been identified as perfect for eating out with your family.