Explore the culinary offerings of this restaurant and let yourself be inspired.
Last update
November 15, 2024
Vitor Matos
Type of cuisine
Menu photos (8)
All food photos (35)
Na Mesa
Crocante de Queijo Cabra
Chutney de Manga | Salada de Cogumelos
Vieiras & Raviolis
Raviolis de Camarão | Molho de Manteiga
Gravlax de Salmão
Salada de Beterraba & Maçã | Alcaparras | Molho de Yuzu
Tomate | Pinhão
Salada de Camarão & Manga
Creme de Abóbora Hokaido e Cenoura (VE)
Os Nossos Tradicionais
Joelho de Porco & Molho de Laranja - 2 Pessoas
Batatas | Couve | Maçã
Bacalhau à Brás
Arroz de Corvina & Camarão
Pratos Principais
Tornedó (180Gr.)
Molho Próprio | Batata Frita
Pato, Batata Doce, Bimis & Frutos Vermelhos
Porco, Milho & Pimentos
Linguine al Pesto (VE)
Tomate Cereja | Manjericão
Farófias & Creme (V)
Bolo de Chocolate
Frutos Vermelhos | Sorvete de Coco
Crème Brûlée de Tangerina com Gelado de Yuzu
Papos de Anjo com Sorvete de Maracujá
Seleção de Fruta (VE)
Frequently Asked Questions
If you plan to eat at Black Pavilion Restaurant, the average price should be around €31. The average price is calculated based on appetizer/entrée or entrée/dessert, excluding drinks. Prices have been provided by the restaurant.
At Black Pavilion Restaurant, the chef is Vitor Matos.
Yes, Black Pavilion Restaurant has been identified as having vegetarian options on the menu.
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