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2 reviews
Via Sile, 18, 20139 Milano
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About this restaurant
Quello che possiamo garantirti è che la nostra offerta è composta da prodotti di prima scelta, sani e freschi, selezionati per te giornalmente e che ti accoglieremo sempre con il nostro miglior sorriso. Parola di frankie’s!
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, Frankie's Sile has availability on TheFork currently. Do not hesitate, reserve your table on TheFork!
Frankie's Sile is rated 7.8/10.TheFork users have rated accordingly in the following categories:
Quality of food: 8.7/10
Service: 6.7/10
Atmosphere: 7.3/10
Frankie's Sile is identified as offering italian cuisine.
Absolutely, you can use your TheFork Giftcards at Frankie's Sile.
Yes, Frankie's Sile has been identified as serving healthy food.