Uovo rubato nel pollaio, le patate di sacco, la fonduta di bitto DOP, il tartufo della costiera dei cech
Patate di montagna con cuore di bitto DOP, burro montato, misultin del lario e scorzette di limone
Lombo, mirtilli dei nostri filari, spezie, verdure dell’orto
Bookable on TheFork
Menu 4 portate€125 per guest
Permanent TheFork offer
Menu 7 portate€150 per guest
Permanent TheFork offer
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182 reviews
Via Lungo Adda, 12, 23016 Mantello
Parcheggio privato
Awards & Certifications
One of our top-rated trendy and gourmet restaurants on TheFork.
“High-quality cooking, worth a stop!
Overlooking an internal garden, this welcoming Valtellina-style Stube restaurant decorated in sweet-scented cembra pinewood is the perfect setting in ...
Yes, La Preséf has availability on TheFork currently. Do not hesitate, reserve your table on TheFork!
La Preséf is identified as offering italian cuisine.
Yes, La Preséf has been identified as being a Michelin-starred restaurant. You can expect excellent cooking and high-end service!
Yes, La Preséf has been identified as having a special romantic atmosphere that you could enjoy during your next rendez-vous with your special someone.
According to TheFork users, La Preséf is one of the coziest restaurants in Mantello at the moment.
Yes, at La Preséf you will be able to speak English with the staff.