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Ana Borba
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All food photos (74)
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Dispomos de um espaço lounge para reservas de grupos até 18 pessoas/We have a lounge area for group bookings of up to 18 people
Para Começar
Burrata with roasted tomatos
with olive oil, balsamic and basil Served with salad and toast (Allergenics:Lactose and gluten).
Mini aubergines, honey, feta & coriander (cilantro)
100% Greek. Delicious. Vegan version available on request..
Courgette and carrot soup ( vegan)
The soup that my grandmother used to make for me on Sundays, at the house in Sintra. Courgette (zuchini) carrot and onions cream . Served with bread and butter. Allergenics :bread with gluten. Butter with lactose .
Thai soup
With mushrooms , or grouper, or shrimps The Thai Soup! With tomato, onions and bell pepper. Served with cheese bread and butter. Allergens: fish, bread with gluten and lactose. Butter with lactose
Cheese plate
A selection of portuguese cheese. Cow, sheep and goat cheese. Served with toats and grapes
Shrimps with garlic
Shrimps , olive oil, garlic and coriander (cilantro). Simple & Delicious!Allergens: shrimps, garlic, Bread with gluten.
Chicken Satay
and now a trip to Indonesia... with scents of Thailand. Chicken satay , marinated in spices . Grilled . With peanut sauce.
Allergens: Gluten, soya, mustard and peanuts.
Bread, butter and cheese ball
Bread, butter and cheese mix made by us. Based on goatd cheese, seasoned with lemon & black pepper. Wrapped in dried fruits.
Allergens: gluten, lactose, nuts.
Pratos Principais - Peixe
Fish ( day's catch ) Moqueca
From Brasil.... Memories of my childhood . Onions, tomatoes, red, green and yellow peppers. Palm oil and coconut milk. Grouper cut in squares. Served with white rice.
Allergens: fish and palm oil.
Tuna steak
Grilled tuna steak with soya , balsamic , honey, dill & ginger sauce. Served with potatoes.
Allergens: Soya (gluten) and sesame seeds.
Cod fish papillote
A nice mix of flavours. A surprise.......
Onions, fresh cod fish fillet, sweet and sour sauce, vegetables and shrimps.
Allergens: shrimps.
Roasted salmon with butter, parsley, ginger and egg sauce
Served with potatoes and roasted tomatoes.
ASllergens: fish
Cod fish- Old fashioned
The Portuguese old fashioned way with a twist
Pratos Principais - Carne
Folhado de Aves ( not every day)
Em massa flo. Pato, frango e peru, marinados em vinho do Porto com cogumelos e coentros. Servido com salada
Arroz de Pato
Outra tradiçao portuguesa à sua mesa.
Arroz, pato e pato e outra vez arroz com caju para finalzar. Arroz cozido em agua de cozer o pato com alho, mostarda , vinho tinto e soya.
Stroganoff de vaca com arroz branco ou puré de batata
Viaje no tempo.
Sim...impossivel sem cogumelos! Tomate, natas, molho de ostra, caldo de galnha, mostarda, manteiga ..... lombo de vaca e.... cogumelos.
Estufado de borrego em pure de espinafres
Viagens e mais viagens à procura de sabores diferentes. Borrego marinado em pure de tomato e ....rne de vaca marinada em especiarias da Indonesia. Com tomate , cebola , alho e mostarda. Servida com puré de batata, pimento vermelho e espinafres.
Cascata de carne de vaca e courgette
Carne de vaca cozinhado 4 horas em molho de tomate.
Pratos Principais - Vegetariano
Beringela com Vegetais e Côco
Beringela recheada com legumes e coco. Gratinada. Versão vegan.
Beringela assada. Cenoura, courgette , tomate, cebola roxa, pimento vermelho, ameixa, canela e coentros, num bechamel de coco. Mozarella e ...vai ao forno a gratinar. Acompanhada com batatas e tomate cherry assados.
Folhado de Alho Francês, cogumelos, courgette e Feta
Alho frances, courgette, coentros e cebola num bechamel agridoce. Quejo feta. Tudo envolto em massa filo. Servida com batatas e tomates cherry assados.
OU... a versão vegan sem queijo feta.
Mousse de chocolate
Mousse de Manga
Bolo caseiro
Gelado caseiro
Souflé de chocolate - feito na hora - 10 minutos
Tarte de frutos vermelhos - feito na hora - 20 minutos
Tarte de chocolate - feito na hora - 20 minutos
Tarte de Maçã - feito na hora - 20 minutos
Tarte de limão - feito na hora - 20 minutos
Maça assada ( feito ao momento - 15 minutos)
Vinho do Porto, açucar amarelo, canela e vinagre balsamico
Frequently Asked Questions
If you plan to eat at Pastanaga, the average price should be around €32. The average price is calculated based on appetizer/entrée or entrée/dessert, excluding drinks. Prices have been provided by the restaurant.
At Pastanaga, the chef is Ana Borba.
Yes, Pastanaga has been identified as having vegetarian options on the menu.
Absolutely, Pastanaga has been identified as having gluten-free options on the menu.
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