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Via Emilia, 61, 40053 Ponte Samoggia
Parcheggio Publico
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About this restaurant
La Trattoria Samoggia è molto più di un ristorante: è il frutto di un sogno, un progetto nato dall'amore per i sapori autentici e dal desiderio di portare il benessere a tavola. Dietro a questo progetto c’è Chef Marcu, con oltre 20 anni di esperienza, un percorso nella Cucina Medicinale e Anti-Aging...
Frequently Asked Questions
Trattoria Samoggia By Chef Marcu is rated 9/10.TheFork users have rated accordingly in the following categories:
Quality of food: 8.9/10
Service: 9.5/10
Atmosphere: 8.8/10
Yes, Trattoria Samoggia By Chef Marcu has availability on TheFork currently. Do not hesitate, reserve your table on TheFork!
Yes, Trattoria Samoggia By Chef Marcu is offering 20% off the 'a la carte' menu Reserve your table and enjoy your special discount now on TheFork!
Trattoria Samoggia By Chef Marcu is identified as offering seafood cuisine.
Yes, Trattoria Samoggia By Chef Marcu has been identified as perfect for eating out with your family.
Yes, Trattoria Samoggia By Chef Marcu has been identified as perfect for spending quality time with your friends.
Yes, Trattoria Samoggia By Chef Marcu has been identified as dog friendly.
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