One of our top-rated trendy and gourmet restaurants on TheFork.
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About this restaurant
ZONA PORTA SUSA - Il ristorante Bariolé di Torino, situato in una zona ben collegata con il centro storico, ti conquisterà con il fascino dell'arredamento in stile liberty.
PROPOSTE GOLOSE - Sei pronto ad assaggiare ogni giorno nuove ricette e a scoprire gli accostamenti più interessanti con i ...
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, Bariolé has availability on TheFork currently. Do not hesitate, reserve your table on TheFork!
Bariolé is rated 9.6/10.TheFork users have rated accordingly in the following categories:
Quality of food: 9.7/10
Service: 9.6/10
Atmosphere: 9.4/10
Bariolé is identified as offering italian cuisine.
According to TheFork users, Bariolé is one of the trendiest restaurants in Turin at the moment.
Yes, Bariolé has been identified as perfect for eating out with your family.
Yes, Bariolé has been identified as serving healthy food.