Mozzarella, albahaca, tomate rama y aceite de albahaca
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Carrer de la Llacuna, 1, 08005 Barcelona
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Yes, Madrelievito - Poblenou is offering 40% off the 'a la carte' menu Reserve your table and enjoy your special discount now on TheFork!
Yes, Madrelievito - Poblenou has availability on TheFork currently. Do not hesitate, reserve your table on TheFork!
Madrelievito - Poblenou is identified as offering italian cuisine.
Yes, Madrelievito - Poblenou has been identified as having a special romantic atmosphere that you could enjoy during your next rendez-vous with your special someone.
Yes, Madrelievito - Poblenou has been identified as having a terrace. It is perfectly suited for enjoying an outdoor meal confortably.
Yes, Madrelievito - Poblenou has been identified as offering private dining options.