Verdure di campo saltate, funghi porcini trifolati*, crema di Cosacavaddu, salsiccia ai semi di finocchio, cubetti di pane fritto con aglio e peperoncino
Buatta esotica di pollo speziato
Riso basmati saltato con ghee, carote e porri, pollo cotto con latte di cocco e aromi d'Oriente, anacardi tostati
Buatta di verdure gratinate al cacio Siciliano
Verdure miste cotte al forno e avvolte in una cremosa besciamella aromatizzata con noce moscata e pepe, cacio Siciliano fuso gratinato
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Via Crociferi, 42, 95124 Catania
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Yes, Buatta has availability on TheFork currently. Do not hesitate, reserve your table on TheFork!
Yes, Buatta is offering 20% off the 'a la carte' menu Reserve your table and enjoy your special discount now on TheFork!
Buatta is rated 9.1/10.TheFork users have rated accordingly in the following categories:
Quality of food: 9.1/10
Service: 9.1/10
Atmosphere: 9/10
Buatta is identified as offering italian cuisine.
Absolutely, you can use your TheFork Giftcards at Buatta.
Absolutely, Buatta has been identified as having a cocktail bar.