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80 reviews
C/ Hermosilla, 120, 28009 Madrid
Metro Goya (L2 y L4) y Manuel Becerra (L2 y L6)
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About this restaurant
Elegante y acogedor, un lugar que mereces descubrir en el madrileño distrito de Salamanca, además de ser un excelente espacio para disfrutar sin inhibiciones de una deliciosa cocina de mercado. El restaurante Donde Ricky te ofrece lo mejor de cada temporada.
Con mesas altas y sobrios aires minim...
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, Donde Ricky has availability on TheFork currently. Do not hesitate, reserve your table on TheFork!
Donde Ricky is rated 9.2/10.TheFork users have rated accordingly in the following categories:
Quality of food: 9.4/10
Service: 9.5/10
Atmosphere: 8.4/10
Donde Ricky is identified as offering spanish cuisine.
Yes, Donde Ricky has been identified as perfect for eating out with your family.
Yes, Donde Ricky has been identified as perfect for spending quality time with your friends.
Yes, you can pay with your AMEX credit card at Donde Ricky.
Yes, Donde Ricky has been identified as having a bar.