Rollitos orientales de tofu con algas y dos salsas
Harina de trigo, puerro, calabacín, zanahoria, col china, tofu, cilantro, perejil, curry madrás, cúrcuma, semillas de sésamo, semillas de girasol, limón, mango, fructosa, pipas de calabaza, guindilla, aceite de oliva y tamari
Falafel de garbanzos con salsa de yogur
Garbanzos, ajo, cebolla, apio, pimiento verde, perejil, cilantro, orégano, bicarbonato de sodio, canela, yogur de soja y limón
Hummus de garbanzo con crudités de verduras y pan pita
Garbanzo, ajo, comino, limón, tahín, aceite de oliva, leche de soja, pan de pita, zanahoria, apio y calabacín
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C. Esquilache, 4, 28003 Madrid
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Frequently Asked Questions
Ecocentro Gourmet is rated 9/10.TheFork users have rated accordingly in the following categories:
Quality of food: 9.2/10
Service: 8.9/10
Atmosphere: 8.9/10
Yes, Ecocentro Gourmet is offering -50% en carta - TheFork Festival Reserve your table and enjoy your special discount now on TheFork!
Yes, Ecocentro Gourmet has availability on TheFork currently. Do not hesitate, reserve your table on TheFork!
Ecocentro Gourmet is identified as offering vegetarian cuisine.
Yes, Ecocentro Gourmet has been identified as perfect for eating out with your family.
Yes, Ecocentro Gourmet has been identified as perfect for spending quality time with your friends.
Yes, Ecocentro Gourmet has been identified as serving healthy food.